Monday, 8 August 2016

Intriguing infographics!

The practical component of the August PLD gave us the opportunity to have a go at creating an infographic.
Taken straight from the PLD Slides. You can find them here!
They provided us with a helpful website which features an infographic that helps you to... yep, you guessed it, decide which is infographic is best suited to your needs! At the bottom of the page you will find the first ever infographic I created using I have used this app to create masterpieces in the smallest amount of time. Very easy to use interface and for the most part, free!

I was excited to use this new knowledge of using infographics to help present information in a way that is much more digestible with my learners. The following is what I created to use with my learners in a series of lessons about introductions to speeches. It was much more fun to create than a Google Presentation (I created it using Google Draw) and the learners seemed to be able to engage with the information with relative ease!

Aaaaaand for those with the 8 second memory span, see below for a summary of my Blog analytics...

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